Automotive Applications

When you demand speed, efficiency and innovation...

Your team deserve the most advanced simulation technology in the world. 

Dynisma Motion Generators™ (DMG) bring a totally revolutionary approach to car development, enabling near perfect correlation between testing and real life. 

All configurations of vehicle and scenario can be run, manipulated, adjusted and tested, over and over a cost effective, rapid and safe environment.

The only limit is your imagination.


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Discover our full range of class leading simulators, product specifications and applications for the automotive product development process.



Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicles (AV) both demand extensive development, not least for exhaustive and affordable scenario testing.  At Dynisma, we believe the answer is simulation – but without losing that vital human connection.

The DIL lab is the perfect place to conduct experiments involving intervention of systems such as collision warning and collision avoidance, providing engineers the ability to test with perfect repeatability and fine control over all parameters, under safe conditions. 

For AVs, the human reaction to the vehicle’s behaviour in different scenarios can be studied. 

In all cases, Dynisma’s DMG technology brings an essential realism to the vehicle motion, bringing unprecedented immersivity that improves the accuracy and depth of experiments. DMG technology very faithfully reproduces the feeling of ADAS interventions such as anti-lock braking and stability control.



Future Mobility 

What will change with future mobility? The concept of vehicle use and ownership? The entire look and feel of a vehicle? The boundaries between cars, buses, and vans?

Huge investments are being staked on market acceptance of radically different concepts and DIL simulation is key to shaping the solutions to ensure customer acceptance. 

Advanced, accurate, multiple car user tests at the early vehicle development stage are now more important than ever.  Not only does this speed up development, but it means designers and engineers can push new boundaries and test a wider range of options and scenarios to optimise the driving experience, without the cost or time constraint previously felt by having to develop prototype models and conduct real-world testing.

DMG enables real world testing in a controlled, repeatable and safe environment, and on a scale that has never been possible using physical prototypes.


HMI and Ergonomics 

Vehicles are changing, and the Human-Machine-Interface is changing even faster. The effectiveness of these new interfaces and the features they are controlling is of paramount importance to customer satisfaction. 

The best solution is to test and optimise the vehicle HMI as early as possible using the DIL, and to make the evaluation valid.

Dynisma proposes our high bandwidth Motion Generators and high fidelity turnkey simulators to ensure the correct level of driver attention and distraction, are used, and to make correct judgements about aspects such as different vehicle driving modes. 


Powertrain and EVs 

As the world switches to electric power and mobility solutions of all kinds, the pressure is on for OEMs and start-ups to develop market-leading, profitable electric vehicles quicker than ever.

Sophisticated hybrid and electric powertrains can be evaluated in the DIL. EVs in particular are prompting a complete redesign of vehicle architecture and bringing changes to all vehicle attributes, so it is vital to test as much, and as early, as possible. 

Dynisma Motion Generators are the only systems on the market with the bandwidth required to communicate the complete experience to the driver. Particularly with EVs, where the lack of the familiar ICE powertrain’s noise and vibration creates a new and different NVH experience, the DMG is a vital tool for ensuring that vehicles can be developed to bring joy to the drivers of the future. 


Ride and NVH 

Existing real-time vehicle models deliver meaningful ride content at frequencies above the limit of traditional motion platforms, and as computational power increases we anticipate further developments in this area. 

Only Dynisma’s DMG Motion Generators are able to deliver this high frequency motion content to the driver in order for them to assess and respond to these vehicle motions.

Users of DIL simulators with DMG technology are able to make accurate assessments of the ride and NVH performance of virtual vehicles early in the development phase. This enables more informed decisions to be made about the vehicle’s ride and NVH characteristics early in the development phase, enabling better vehicles to be developed in shorter times, and at lower costs. 



The performance of real-time vehicle models has been considered to be a limitation of DIL simulation until now, although at Dynisma we believe that insufficient bandwidth and high latency of existing motion systems has been the bigger issue. Either way, nobody doubts the importance that tyre modelling has to play in the process of model based vehicle development and DIL has spread to the domain of tyre manufacturers and developers. 

As attention is extended to detailed behaviour of tyre models to recreate vehicle handling and especially ride, Dynisma’s Motion Generators are proving to be the best solution to evaluate everything from the most subtle steering inputs to the behaviour at the limit, or driving from the finest of road textures to those broken surfaces that would have you writing a virtual letter of complaint to your virtual government.  


Vehicle Dynamics 

DIL simulators have proven themselves as an essential tool in developing the vehicle dynamics for new vehicle programs over several years. Dynisma now brings new capabilities to the market with high bandwidth Dynisma Motion Generators.  

DMG presents engineers and test drivers with more detail on vehicle motion by delivering content up to and beyond 100Hz, as well as creating a much faster loop between the driver and the vehicle model through very low latency of <5ms. This enhances the value of the DIL in the development process as drivers get a much more detailed experience of vehicle motion in crucial areas such as stability under braking, ride over different surfaces, and subtle behaviour during corner entry, mid corner, on centre steering and dynamic lane changes.  

Quote Mark

"I’ve tried nearly every concept/manufacturer on the market that provides a turnkey solution and the latest from Dynisma is very much the next generation in terms of performance and feedback. It’s the first system that I have experienced where the fluidity of movement is representative to reality. Every other platform I have tried has an underlying mechanical feel. The DMG1 design has removed this issue and gives a very natural and authentic ride quality."

Darren Turner
Factory Aston Martin driver and 3 times Le Mans winner